If we got the respect

If we got the respect we deserve would we need
overreaching generalized notions. Identity
is innate we are & we create
and once pushed into the world
the culture consumes and translates
In fact it transmutes and exploits
turning one’s rights into animated tirade
a black or white image not accurate just played
by puppet strings call it a movement
Tack on to mute amuse but no questions
This or that agreement beckoned
so let me mention
We are strong and were clear before we shared
our need to be and exist, dont feed the fear
cus we get respect by moving in those steps
Rhetoric can sweep but minds eye already wept
Cling instead to depth of soul not what society scolds
Have I mentioned you were good before it sold
or went viral. Word play on human‘s denial of our innate worth like become sick or silent. What’s worse?
Stand up speak look in the mirror dont be a leech to the monster that wants to keep me from me

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